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Why Season 3 of Bridgerton Sucked & If You Haven't Watched It, Just Don't: A Rant By a Disappointed Fan

Let's Talk Bridgerton Season 3

Alright, fellow Bridgerton fans, let's talk about the disaster that was season 3. As a die-hard Julia Quinn enthusiast and dedicated reader, I was eagerly anticipating the arrival of the newest season. But boy, was I let down. From the lacklustre writing to the unnecessary subplots, Season 3 of Bridgerton was a total flop. And don't even get me started on Francesca Bridgerton's character development - or lack thereof.

Why season 3 of Bridgerton was terrible

Bridgerton season 3:Why Season 3 of Bridgerton Totally Sucked & If You Haven't Watched It, Just Don't: A Rant By a Disappointed Fan

What Went Wrong?

So, Where do I even start? The many many many subplots: The Featheringtons (Loved them though), the Mondrichs, poor Cressida and the weird relationship with Eloise, poor Polin, Lady Danbury, her brother and Violet, Fransceca and John (oh and Michaela), Benedict being the ton whore yet again and lastly Anthony and Kate. The Polin scenes were just lacking and we needed to love Colin more and understand Penelope's weird infatuation but nope, the showrunner, Jess Brownell, gave up pure nothingness with a side of air and a drink of sparkling nothing. Why was the editing so choppy? Why build up on Francesca and John only for her to be a lesbian/bisexual and not love John? The reaction to Lady Whistledown was just horrible. We need Jess fired and I hope she uses the next two years to be better.

So Many Subplots

Bridgerton season 3:Why Season 3 of Bridgerton Totally Sucked & If You Haven't Watched It, Just Don't: A Rant By a Disappointed Fan. Many subplots

Okay, let's talk about the many subplots that we pray make sense in season 4. Because they were so many I forgot about Polin. This was so much about the Featheringtons and the Mondrichs, that I forgot about Colin. On a good note, a surprising development this season was the Featheringtons. I loved their conversations, their jokes ("Insert himself where" was an amazing line), their banter and it was very clear why their story was present. This is Whistledown's family and Penelope trying to find a husband involves them. Furthermore, they needed a male air so the family should have been present.

On the other hand, there was so much of the Mondrichs. Honestly, I know they will be useful in the coming seasons but it was too much, one episode, maybe two would have been enough for us to understand they are now rich. They did not need to be in every episode.

Cressida's story is interesting but honestly, why isn't she married? She may be horrible but she is a beautiful woman. Many many men have loved her, and yet another season she's single yet again.

Bridgerton season 3:Why Season 3 of Bridgerton Totally Sucked & If You Haven't Watched It, Just Don't: A Rant By a Disappointed Fan. Many subplots

I pray they showcase her in season 4 in a better light, it's getting boring now.

Now lady Danbury, her brother and Violet was a sweet storyline but this could have been left for another season.

John and Francesca was such a beautiful and different story only for them to rob us at the end.

Another season of Benedict being a literal Ton Whore. Just whoring around and being proud of it. And now we have to fall in love with him and believe that he is suddenly done dicking about and now he wants a life partner. Seriously.

It was lovely seeing Anthony and Kate but there was no need for them to keep coming and going. And why would Kate announce her pregnancy during Penelope's engagement, she is not self-centred like that, especially after waiting so long. Jess, please sort yourself out. Sort your shit out, please.

Poor Colin's and he's horrible Character Development

Imagine being the male lead and literally being part of the family that the TV show's literal name is about and nobody knows your name. I literally had Google Colin's name and I still can't remember his name.

One second Colin is having a threesome and the next second he's fingering Penelope because of a kiss. We get it, they have a strong history but please share that with us.

Bridgerton season 3:Why Season 3 of Bridgerton Totally Sucked & If You Haven't Watched It, Just Don't: A Rant By a Disappointed Fan. Bridgerton needed more background on Colin

Why this kiss? Why was it so vital to change Colin's mind? Show us their history. Yes, I get it we have seen them for 2 other seasons and this is the culmination of that. Colin and Simon got flashbacks and we understood their way of thinking. But for some reason, after Colin swore he would never date Penelope suddenly he's ready to murder Lord Debling for a piece of Pen. It's like the writers forgot that these characters are supposed to be human beings, not cardboard cutouts with fancy costumes. Give me some growth, some evolution, something to root for! Instead, we got one-dimensional puppets going through the motions like they were on autopilot. I wanted to see layers, and complexities, not just pretty faces spouting out clichés. The way Colin avoided his marital bed and refused to be with Pen after their wedding night was so unnecessary.

Where Was the Chemistry and Why No Polin Sex Scenes?

Bridgerton season 3:Why Season 3 of Bridgerton Totally Sucked & If You Haven't Watched It, Just Don't: A Rant By a Disappointed Fan. Polin.

Let's talk about the missing piece that held Season 3 of Bridgerton back: the chemistry, the sex and most importantly the FURNITURE BREAKING. It was splattered all over social media that these two broke furniture, when, how where was this. He had some fingering and a weirdly long couch scene. We needed more Polin.

Michael to Michaela!! Really?

Bridgerton season 3:Why Season 3 of Bridgerton Totally Sucked & If You Haven't Watched It, Just Don't: A Rant By a Disappointed Fan. Michael to Michaela Stirling.

Seriously, what even happened? Any other Bridgerton could have been part of the LGBTQIA and we wouldn't have minded but Francesca. She goes through infertility and loss. And then decides to go back into the marriage market to have children. Now fine, it's my fault for reading the books and loving Micheal and they might still be able to address the above issues with John. But, here is the most vital thing, will we care if John dies, will we care if she can't have children with a man she does not love completely? I have to admit that I am interested to see what they do with this storyline given the grand disappointment from the audience. I do have to give the writers props though, this was Jaw-dropping. Realising Fran might not be in love with John and instead will likely fall in love with Masali Baduza, is spicy. Disappointing but spicy.

Why is Benedict Still Whoring about the Ton?

Bridgerton season 3:Why Season 3 of Bridgerton Totally Sucked & If You Haven't Watched It, Just Don't: A Rant By a Disappointed Fan. Benedict Bridgerton.
Bridgerton season 3:Why Season 3 of Bridgerton Totally Sucked & If You Haven't Watched It, Just Don't: A Rant By a Disappointed Fan. Bridgerton Thruple.

All I know about Benedict is that he's an artist, who isn't an artist and he loves having sex with multiple different people. Glad however that they finally clarified his sexuality. That throuple sex scene took DAYS. The editing was weird and honestly, I skipped it. I am so tired of that man just having sex and then next season he's going to have one love interest and he is whoring is going to stop suddenly and he will be satisfied with one person. Bridgerton writers, wake the fuck up. The constant whoring about the Ton is annoying. It's also clear that this will probably continue because, at the end of the season, it sounded like he was starting, whilst we all wished this should end.

The reaction of Lady Whisltedown was lacking.

Bridgerton season 3:Why Season 3 of Bridgerton Totally Sucked & If You Haven't Watched It, Just Don't: A Rant By a Disappointed Fan. Lady Whistledown.

Whistledown wrote horrible things about husbands in ruined, ruined engagements, ruined people's prospects of marriage, trashed the Bridgertons, ended relationships and ruined family reputations. She was clever and witty but she caused damage. A lot of damage. When Cressida was "Lady Whistledown" it was a huge problem and everyone hated her. But because it's poor wallflower Penelope, it's okay she meant well. Let's release bugs and celebrate that new Lord Featherington. Oh, and the Queen, she is not angry any more she's happy and excited. There should have been blood The bug scene was perfect though. I must add that Nicola Coughlan looked gorgeous.

In Conclusion, Dear Jess Brownell

Jess, need to do better next time, for real! Now we wish we still had Chris Van Dusen but we have the dreaded Jess Brownell, inserting herself where she isn't needed and making this story weird and disorganised. She might have to go. You have two years Jess, which is insane for 8 episodes honestly, but we expect magic not another huge pile of dog shit. We need you to up your game and bring back that Bridgerton charm that made us all binge-watch the first two seasons.

Bridgerton season 3:Why Season 3 of Bridgerton Totally Sucked & If You Haven't Watched It, Just Don't: A Rant By a Disappointed Fan. Jess Brownell.

And yes, I know this is the most-watched show ever on Netflix, trumping seasons 1 and 2, but it's specifically because of season 1 and season 2. NOT BECAUSE THIS WAS GOOD. AND THE PART ONE CLIFF HANGER plus the insane amount of money put into the promotion of it also helped. There were ads for Bridgerton everywhere (socials, busses, on Netflix, billboards, loads of openings, interviews, everything - and let's not forget about them allegedly breaking furniture) and the budget was crazy for this. We barely saw Anthony and Kate ads for season 2 and they kept us hocked.

We believe in you, so make Season 4 one to remember! Take notes from the first two seasons and give us the dose of excitement we need. #BringBackTheMagic. I know there will be people that loved this season, but I did not. #Sorrynotsorry.

Bridgerton season 3:Why Season 3 of Bridgerton Totally Sucked & If You Haven't Watched It, Just Don't: A Rant By a Disappointed Fan. Lexick.



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